Interested in Kelly Plantation Foreclosures and Short Sales! The Moran Team will email you every time a new Kelly Plantation foreclosure or short sale comes on the market but before we start I need to make sure we don’t bury you with an avalanche of stuff you don’t want so let’s do this – simply send me an email with the anwers to these questions:
- Are you most interested in a houses, condos or land?
- Is there an area that you are most interested in?
- Is there a price point that you want to stay under?
As your local real estate expert in Kelly Plantation I can tell you that there are a ton of properties for sale right now – some of them are great deals and a lot of them aren’t – so use The Moran Team as a guide to direct you to the best investment opportunities based on your personal and financial goals.
Call John Moran today at 850-217-7618 to show you how we have helped many other buyers and investors just like you find their great deals. You can also email me at or visit our website at