Interested in Destin Foreclosures and Short Sales! John Moran will email you every time a new Destin Area foreclosure or short sale comes on the market but before we start I need to make sure we don’t bury you with an avalanche of stuff you don’t want so me ask you: Are you … [Read more...]
Destin Real Estate Home Sales Report – May 2009
Looking back on the month of May I can tell you that Destin Real Estate sale’s dropped so let’s take a closer look at what sold and what is currently for sale. Destin Florida Home Sales – May, 2009 Total Number of Destin Homes Sold: 5 Highest Price for a Destin Home … [Read more...]
Kelly Plantation Real Estate Clearing Up?
Kelly Plantation Real Estate may be turning a corner. As fo Sept. 11, 2009 there are no homes for sale as Foreclosures in Kelly Plantation and that is good news for owners looking for some stability. There are however (5) homes for sale as Short Sales which if they don't … [Read more...]
The Name Changes, But The Same Great Service Remains
Name Change For The Moran TeamIn a move to carry the business forward Keller Williams Realty’s The Moran Team has changed it name to Keller Williams Realty’s AT THE BEACH TEAM. The change reflects the company’s philosophy away from a singular focus on John and Kris Moran to the … [Read more...]
Most Expensive Home In Kelly Plantation July 2009
Click on the picture to learn more about this great house in Kelly Plantation. This fabulous Bay Front Mediterranean villa with incomparable upgrades, architectural features and details throughout. Impressive covered porch entrance with two beautiful mosaics, a sun on … [Read more...]